30+ Responsive Web Design Examples for Inspiration

Below we have 30 examples of Responsive Web design that are in practice today as we mentioned in the last article on Complete Guide To Responsive Web Design.
The different structure and style of the web sites are shown with two screenshots and a link to the website.We have shown two resolutions of the website. One with a larger screen size 1920x1080
and other with screen size (Not shot in a separate screen but in a browser window)of size 320 x 480 px
. Here we used Google Chrome Browser on MAC OS X. The site experience may vary with different Browser and Operating systems.
The sites have several solutions for a variety of browsers, and some even adjust elements dynamically in size without the need for specific browser dimensions. Check each of them, and try adjusting your browser size or change devices to see them in action.
A List A Part
This is the most famous example that is being used to demonstrate responsive web design , made by alistapart for the article The Infinite Grid . This is a remarkable design.
Barack Obama
This is an amazing Responsive Web site made for the US president Barack Obama during the election campaign. The site responds perfectly to any kind of resolution or device that you access with.
Build Responsively Workshop
This is a pice of cake from Spark box
Build Windows
Build Windows a website from Microsoft made to stream the discussion on windows 8 app development.
Codrops is a web design and development blog, which provides Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds.
Simon Collison
Writer/designer Simon Collison has made a simple but a great-looking website with a grid based layout which is perfectly designed for scaling to different screen sizes.
Create Digital Media
Create Digital Media is app development company, which is famous for its beautiful, simple and highly functional apps for iPhone, iPad & Android.
CSS Tricks
CSS Tricks is a blog that is dedicated in CSS and its properties.
Dress Responsively
Dress Responsively is a web site made by Spark Box for Build Rresponsively
Design Week Portland
Design Week Portland is a website to explore process, craft, and practice across disciplines through our city’s vibrant design programming.
Earth Hour
Earth Hour is the website made for THE global event in the fight against global warming.
Good to Know
A web site from the internet giant Google on online safety
Happy COG
Happy COG founded in 1999, is a Web Development. Happy Cog is a closely knit network of useful products, first-rate client services, educational publications, and transformative ideas.
Happy COG Hosting
Hosting service from Happy COG
Microsoft relaunched their website with a responsive design just before the launch of their newest version of windows incorporating many of its design concepts to the website.
Quality web design and development blog by Meagan Fisher
Raewyn Brandon
Red Team Design
Front-end development blog from Catalin Rosu
Responsive Design Weekly is web site by responsivedesign.is
Sasquatch Music Festival
This is a great looking site, though it does take a few seconds to load when you resize the screen and there was a slight glitch with one of the images on my smartphone.
Spark Box
Spark Box is a web design company that is known for building websites that possess both brains and beauty.
SimpleBits is a tiny creative studio of designer, author, and speaker, Dan Cederholm.
Smashing Magazine
Tech site Smashing Magazine is another blog embracing responsive design. The site delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers
Spigot Design
pigot Design is a Web Design & Development company and provide hosting services.
Sweet Hats
Sweet Hats is a simple site with an awesome name, Sweet Hat Club is a load of user-submitted images of people wearing hats.
TEIXIDÓ is a branding, web/interface design studio
The Next Web
The Next Web is one of the world’s largest online publications that delivers an international perspective on the latest news about Internet technology and more.
Treehouse Blog
Treehouse Blog is the place to Learn skills to change the world today
OH Yes..!,While compiling this stuff on this post, it’s possible that we have missed a lot of great Responsive Designs. Do not hesitate to share it with us in Comments.