Custom 404 Page

A 404 error is what happens when you try to access a page on a website that doesn’t exist.
We all have seen it, it happens when the designer changes the name of the file or changes the location of it or you may have typed a wrong link, this can make your visitor leave the site, but you can overcome that by having a custom 404 page that gives them some information about what happened and also assist them to navigate further.
You can create a 404 page with some information about you and also a contact email if the user wish to inform you about the error.
You are done with the main part now you need to redirect the user to this page in case this error occurs, you can do this by just adding this small code into your .htaccess file
RewriteEngine On
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
What that code is doing is redirecting the user to 404.html. Obviously you can name the page anything, just make sure to change the code. Upload the file, put a dot in front of the name (so it’s .htaccess ), and you’re all set. Go to your site and some nuisance. You should be re-directed to your new 404 page.
Try to provide some useful information to your user.
You can check the 404 page of my web site 404
You can also check these some creative 404 by some experts