Model ViewSets packs up the common functions to create, list, patch, put and delete an object in the package, which saves the day in many places but there are situations…
Associating Many to Many Relation in DJango Rest Framework
Add an entry to a Many to Many field when an object is created using API with Django Rest Framework.
Clean multiple fields in DJango form
Django packs a ton of cleaning methods in the box which includes validating against field types, length of inputs, etc. It also lets you add custom validation rules for entier…
Web Development
Serving Files in Django
A web application comprises of different file-types like media files for the application, files uploaded by the user and more, so is the case with a…
Disabled / Read-only field in django ModelForm
Create a disabled or read only field in django model form
Recover dropped table in Django : Table doesn’t exist
a quick fix for Django : Table doesn't exist error.