HTTPS or as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, being the HTTP extension with crypto operation capabilities is a secure channel used in the network for data transfer. Developed by the Netscape…
Optimizing Images For the web
In present days where speed is all that matters having a slow website is not an option at all in terms of user friendliness or Search Engine Optimization, as search…
CSS3 Filters
CSS3 comes with image filters like contrast, brightness, blur, saturate, Blur,hue-rotate,Sepia, Brightness, Contrast, Invert, Saturation, Greyscale and a few more. Which allows using a single image for multiple purposed that…
Wi-Fi or Wireless-LAN (WLAN)
Wi-Fi or Wireless-LAN (WLAN) is a standard that allows devices to communicate with each other using a Wi-Fi router as the central hub. All devices with Wi-Fi connected to router…
2012 London Olympics Logo with CSS3
2012 London Olympics Logos with CSS3, All the four different colour's (color's) with CSS3 only, Using CSS3 Shapes.Using the different properties of CSS3 like border-radius, rotate…
Informative use of Footer in Web Design
Footer is the bottom section of the web site, which usually have a bunch of links to other pages of the web site or to friend's website, link to social…
Dexter with CSS3
Using the different properties of CSS3 like border-radius, rotate etc different shape can be made easily with those shapes we can make super shapes that is characters.
Dock Menu with CSS 3
This dock make use of -webkit for the transition purpose, this does not need any java script or jqurey. This is a simple easy to install menu like an ordinary…
Meta Tags
There are many Meta tags and html-tags and all of them do not influence the search result. For example the html cookie tag doesn't have any influence on your ranking…
Repair headphone
Its very common that the headphone cables break more often than we'd like. These tiny pieces of plastic, rubber and copper put up with a lot…