META Name Googlebot

In this article the complete description about META Name Googlebot.

The googlebot Meta tag has significant influence Sometimes an old meta tag, the description tag, remains in the index of Google. Despite the fact that you change relevant information on your website and submit this to Google, the old description remains in the Google search results. Yahoo and Live will index the new information, But Google won’t.

This problem originates your results in the Open Directory Project DMOZ (also check the relations between the search engines). Your website, including the old Meta description, also has a description and a link in the ODP listings. The Googlebot has used this description while spidering your website.

Meta Meter


Add the following metatag in the HTML source of your page:

You now tell the Googlebot NOT to duplicate the ODP description but the description which is located on your website.


You may add this Googlebot meta tag to all of your webpages, so not only in the first index page. Make sure that on every page relevant meta tags are added.