The term open source describes production and development that promote access to the end product's source materials.
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Free ware and open source
Freeware is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee.But under one or more restricted usage rights.
setup a test server in MAC
MAMPs are packages of independently-created programs installed on computers that use a MAC operating system.
To find Product / Quotient of two numbers
A C++ Program to find the product of two numbers and its quotient too.
To find sum/Difference of two matrices
A C++ Program to find the the sum and difference of two matrices.
To find square and cube of a number
A C++ Program to find square of a number and also its Cube, using function
To find roots of a quadratic equation.
A C++ Program to find roots of a qudratic equation , using the famous root foruma
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