Reference table for PHP date formats, Standard, regular,MYSQL and human readable formats
Center Objects in Web Page with CSS
Centralize objects in webpage with CSS using concepts from HTML tables
Setting Borders Inside DIV
CSS3 Features a ton of properties which can be effectively used to make awesome easily than with the previous versions, here is a tutorial to get a double border or…
Find a Character Set in PHP String
String Manipulation with PHP to to extract a numeric ID from a page URL or a string set.
HTML title Tags
The title is the first impression people get of your website. It has to persuade them to click on your link and not the link of…
META Name Abstract
The Meta tag abstract can be used to indicate in just a very short sentence what the webpage is about. So every webpage of your website gets its own abstract-tag
META Name Author
To give credit to the person of company that made your website? You use the so called AUTHOR tag
META Name Copyright
To inform that the photos and the text on your website are protected? You use the so called COPYRIGHT Meta tag
META Name Description
it very important that you use the keywords you want your site to be found under, in your DESCRIPTION tag. The more
META Name Language
To explain in which language your website is in, You use the so called LANGUAGE tag